National consultation to strengthen the national training system

Lady in a bright orange shirt leaning down, in the bush, with her phone and laptop.

As part of the national Skills Reform agenda, federal, state and territory governments are working together to improve the vocational education and training (VET) system.

We are undertaking extensive consultation and engagement with the sector, stakeholders, employers, learners, trainers and assessors across the key areas of reform.  

Engagement activity has included submission processes, surveys, and online consultation events such as workshops and webinars.  

We have taken a strong collaborative approach to working with the Department across the significant amount of engagement activity, working effectively with several different internal areas.

All engagement is featured on the accessible Skills Reform engagement hub which we designed and developed.

How can we help?
Steven Speldewinde
Director of Digital and Innovation (and CFO / COO)
steve@thesocialdeck.com0421 243 418
Patrick Wuertz
Practice Manager


The Social Deck has been engaged by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment to undertake and support consultation and engagement activity as part of the national Skills Reform agenda.


Department of Education


National consultation processes
Stakeholder engagement
Communication Strategy
Collaborative workshops & events
Engagement strategy
Evaluation advice & planning

Sustainable Development Goal
