Pathway to peak representation for domestic and family violence

In 2023, were worked with the Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) to consult with key stakeholders about the establishment of an integrated peak body for domestic and family violence (DFV). This was in response to Recommendation 17 of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce, Hear Her Voice: Report 1.  

We wanted to understand the views of the sector in relation to the service delivery model of the peak including guiding principles, representation, functions, and implementation. 

Consultation activities included 13 workshops with a range of existing DFV peaks and organisations, networks, funded services, representative bodies and lived experience advisory groups.  

Findings from the consultation were summarised into two reports which detailed the key themes and ideas emerging from the service sector, to inform the process for forming the new peak.  

How can we help?
Eadie Hancock
Communication and Engagement Consultant
Melanie Butcher
Director of Impact and Engagement 
mel@thesocialdeck.com0400 426 545


The Social Deck conducted consultation with key stakeholders and networks on the new service delivery model of the new peak body for domestic and family violence in Queensland.


Department of Justice and Attorney-General


Stakeholder engagement
Online engagement

Sustainable Development Goal
