Try, Test and Learn co-development workshops

A photo of a Bomb tree.

We facilitated a series of workshops on behalf of the federal Department of Social Services to co-develop with key partners and stakeholders a number of innovative programs to address welfare dependence among priority populations. A number of these took a behaviour change approach to encouraging target populations to get into employment or study. They were:

  • The ASEP project with University of Queensland, QLD Education and QLD Police to increase school attendance of young people.
  • Care Plays VR providing VR experiences and training to Aboriginal people in NT designed to provide employment pathways into disability care.
  • The Opportunity Account with the Cape York Institute providing a mobile app designed to encourage positive behaviour change for young people in remote Cape York communities.
  • Impact Club with World Vision Australia an integrated approach to adolescent engagement in Northern WA, that fosters the skills, behaviours and attitudes necessary for their improved participation in the social, civic and economic life of their communities.
How can we help?
Steven Speldewinde
Director of Digital and Innovation (and CFO / COO)
steve@thesocialdeck.com0421 243 418
Melanie Butcher
Director of Impact and Engagement 
mel@thesocialdeck.com0400 426 545


We facilitated a series of workshops on behalf of the federal Department of Social Services to co-develop with key partners and stakeholders a number of innovative programs to address welfare dependence among priority populations.


Department of Social Services


Collaborative workshops & events

Sustainable Development Goal
